Orange Biriyani

Friday, April 20, 2007


Love Knows No Species 02/07

Kiara on Superhero Day, 01/07


Four months into 2007, and not a new post from me! It would be shameful, but wait till I tell you what-all we've been up to.

We had a lovely time at the "First Night" celebrations, which is the family friendly New Year party here in South Orange. We watched a Punch and Judy show, a Cinderella Ballet and some clowns, Kiara got her face painted, and all of us - Gautam, Ranjit, my friend Arpine etc - learnt some line dancing. The evening ended with fireworks, followed by dinner at the Gaslight Brewery, after which we brought the new year in at home. All the other adults had been staying up all night like adolescents - I'm the only one who turned in at a decent hour each night and hence was able to keep Kiara and Diya quiet in the mornings. Anyway, said adolescents went skiing and other crazy things and so were completely exhausted and stayed up till a barely respectable 12:01 a.m. on Jan 1, 2007, and then tamely went to bed.
"Ballen-Times" day was a lot of fun at Kiara's school. Kiara and I made doily-trimmed hearts for all her classmates.
On the whole, we've had a mild winter, with one or two snowy days but nothing to substantiate my shovelling anxieties (what with Ranjit's back and my pregnancy, I was wondering what we'd do with a bitter winter). Kiara is mastering the art of winning friends and influencing people. One of the games they play in her school is "guess which animal this is" and they have to mime the animal. Kiara did one where she wriggled, then jumped, then repeated. The kids were totally flummoxed, as Kiara yelled "no" with much glee at all their guesses. It turned out she was being a snake which jumps.
April finds me sans family, as Kiara and Ranjit have flown to the orient whence they came. In their absence, I have increased in size, spent weekends with people I love (Aunt Leonie and my friend from college), visited the medieval cloisters, the Metropolitan opera, three late night lectures and a play called "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)".
I am now working on three term papers. My blog job is going great guns, what with all the awful news people have to blog about - particularly the Virginnia Tech shooting.
Ranjit and Kiara return from India on Sunday, 4/22. More news will then follow.